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Jerry Cooley

Jerry Cooley



Office Building

Daktronics Engineering Hall



Mailing Address

Daktronics Eng Hall 113
Electrical Engineering/Computer Science-Box 2222
University Station
Brookings, SD 57007


B.S. Broadcast Journalism -- SDSU
M.A. English -- SDSU

Academic Interests

I have taught at SDSU for 13 years. With a Master’s Degree in English, I started in the English department. I spent a few years in the College of General Studies (now University College), where I taught a course called Mastering Lifetime Learning Skills; and in Engineering Technology and Management, where I taught the introductory engineering graphics course.

I have been with the EECS department since 2007. My responsibilities include teaching three courses:

CSc 105:  Introduction to Computers. Although most students are proficient with Microsoft Office, there is still a wealth of information that can be obtained through a course such as this one.
CSc 130: Visual Basic. This language is widely used, and in the course, students get a good understanding of the uses of the language.
INFO 101: Introduction to Informatics. This class uses Python as its language. The course has two purposes: to first learn the language, and then to put it to use gathering information from various sources.
Another responsibility is to create and maintain the content of our department website. I am also involved with the Program Design Competition and the Jackrabbits BEST Robotics Competition.

Prior to teaching, my wife and I owned a picture framing shop. Because of my English degree and my interest in writing, I had works published in Oakwood, the publication of the SDSU English department; through the Vermillion Literary Project; in the Highliner, a publication of the South Dakota Rural Electric Association; and in a magazine for the aforementioned picture framing business.

SDSU is a family affair. My wife received her Bachelor's degree and worked in the bookstore; my son is currently attending; and my daughter graduated two years ago.

Academic Responsibilities

INFO 101 -- Introduction to Informatics
CSc 130 -- Visual Basic Programming
ENGL 277 -- Technical Writing in Engineering
GE 231 -- Technology, Society, and Ethics

Work Experience

Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
General Studies
Engineering, Technology, and Management

Creative Activities

For relaxation, I enjoy woodworking and amateur radio. So far, I have talked with people in over 190 countries. 

I also have an interest in less traditional musical instruments, such as the tin whistle, the didgeridoo and the primary one:  the bagpipes.
